Mathew Rynes


Graduate Student


University of Minnesota, Biomedical Engineering (Current)


University of Minnesota, Biomedical Engineering (2017)


University of Minnesota, Neuroscience & Biochemistry (2013)


Matt received his M.S. in Biomedical Engineering in 2017 and his B.S. in Neuroscience and Biochemistry in 2013 from the University of Minnesota. In his undergraduate research, he worked on applying machine learning algorithms to predict movements from offline monkey dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortex local field potentials. After graduation, he helped develop a lyoprotectant matrix for non-cryogenic storage of human serum at the University of Minnesota mechanical engineering department. Following his work on this project, he joined the Biosensing and Biorobotics Laboratory where he is applying highly developed machining tools to perform automated surgical procedures on small animals for neuroscientists.



Mathew L Rynes, Daniel Surinach, Samantha Linn, Michael Laroque, Vijay Rajendran, Judith Dominguez, Orestes Hadjistamoulou, Zahra S Navabi, Leila Ghanbari, Gregory W Johnson, Mojtaba Nazari, Majid Mohajerani, Suhasa B Kodandaramaiah, (April, 2021) Miniaturized head-mounted device for whole cortex mesoscale imaging in freely behaving mice. NATURE METHODS (bioRxiv: June, 2020)

Mathew L Rynes, Leila Ghanbari, Daniel Sousa Schulman, Samantha Linn, Michael Laroque, Judith Dominguez, Zahra S Navabi, Peter Sherman, Suhasa B Kodandaramaiah, (2020). Assembly and operation of an open-source, computer numerical controlled (CNC) robot for performing cranial microsurgical procedures. Nature Protocols.

Leila Ghanbari, Russell E Carter, Mathew L Rynes, Judith Dominguez, Gang Chen, Anant Naik, Jia Hu, Md Abdul Kader Sagar, Lenora Haltom, Nahom Mossazghi, Madelyn M Gray, Sarah L West, Kevin W Eliceiri, Timothy J Ebner, Suhasa B Kodandaramaiah, (2019). Cortex-wide neural interfacing via transparent polymer skulls. Nature Communications.

Leila Ghanbari*, Mathew L Rynes*, Jai Hu, Daniel Sousa Schulman, Gregory W Johnson, Michael Laroque, Gabriella M Shull, Suhasa B Kodandaramaiah, (2019). Craniobot: A computer numerical controlled robot for cranial microsurgeries. Scientific Reports. *Equal Contribution

Morwena J Solivio, Rebekah Less, Mathew L Rynes, Marcus Kramer, Alptekin Aksan, (2016). Adsorbing/dissolving lyoprotectant matrix technology for non-cryogenic storage of archival human sera. Scientific Reports.

Gabriel W Vattendahl Vidal*, Mathew L Rynes*, Zachary Kelliher, Shikha J Goodwin, (2016). Review of brain-machine interfaces used in neural prosthetics with new perspective on somatosensory feedback through method of signal breakdown. Scientifica. *Equal contribution


2018 University of Minnesota Distinguished MS Thesis Award